26 September 2008

Matter Over Mind

I want to start lifting weights again. I used to, back in high school, and while I was never a living Ah-nold replica, I really did like how it felt being able to lift as much as I did, with both arms and legs.

So, rather than leaving it in blog form, which will not, contrary to popular belief, actually make me stronger, I'm going to propose it to anybody out there in the blag to join me. I haven't set a time yet, but I'm thinking at least 1x or 2x a week. I'd prefer you be in Socorro, rather than telling me that you'll be lifting weights with me from NY or England, because that way it'll make me go out and actually do it.

Also, I'd really like it to be someone who will be committed. I can't do free weights without a spotter, you know.

And, if anybody out there has any experience in the matter, whether you want to join me or not, I'd greatly appreciate any help you can offer, even just on the informational side of things. Like I said, I haven't done this since high school, and I'm a little rusty on a lot of it. But if you have techniques/pointers/advice/anything that you think might help, I'd greatly appreciate that as well. And you're welcome to join me too!

Let me know when works, and we'll get a time set up.

"Why pluck one string - What good is just one note?"


Hat said...

So, it sounds not only fun but good to "hit the gym," as the cool kids say these days.

I can/will join you, but I think in return I'll have to insist you join me for climbing. :D

Unknown said...

Jason and I can't lift weights with you but we are looking forward to seeing you soon!

Hat said...

I want to Follow yr blagh. I can't find the convenient link by which I can do so.

Marcus said...

On your dashboard, a little way down, there should be an option to add a blog in "blogs I'm following"