03 September 2008

A New Record

So, for those of you close, and anybody out there on the nets who isn't, my phone officially made it through Tuesday. Now, this may not seem like much, if you haven't been around, but let me explain:

Approximately 2.4 weeks ago, I purchased a new phone. I spent more than the typical alltel .99, in hopes that investing some dollars would yield a superior product. Not two hours later, people couldn't hear my voice when I called them, because I had somehow blown that microphone. Somehow.

I took the phone back, and they replaced it. The new(er) phone worked fine for the next week. The week after that, I was in a bunch of meetings to plan all of the stuff InterVarsity (my Christian community, for those who don't know) for the semester. Sometime Tuesday evening, my phone blinked out of existence, this time much more gloriously than before. It made it approximately 1.4 weeks. That weekend, I returned the second phone to alltel, and they replaced it, unfortunately with the same model phone, which has clearly been trying my patience.

However, I'm a pleased, nay, elated to inform anybody who will listen that my phone has now officially made it through the Tuesday evening record previously held by my last phone. I'm talking olympic gold here!

Anyway, yeah. Maybe this is the real deal.

"Calm like a bomb"

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