08 October 2008

My 22-Hour Day

I'm now safely in Cleveland. Though, I wonder just exactly how safe being in Cleveland really is. Here are a few things I've experienced/learned today:

* Lake Michigan is HUGE-MONGOUS!! I mean, I had heard, but I literally thought I was at the edge of one of those video game levels where they don't bother rendering. It was just this gray nothing that at first looked like clouds on the horizon, until I saw a little sailboat.

* I met a real-life limey today! He was really cool. I think he said he was from Manchester. We sat next to each other on the plane from ABQ, and he was so excited about the mountains and the balloon fiesta and big deer. And his accent was great. Sadly, I'm not sure I got his name.

* O'hare is sort of a disappointing airport. I mean, I had heard about this airport all my life. But after Denver, Atlanta, and St. Paul/Minneapolis, O'hare just didn't do it for me.

* I've decided that being at an airport that only has pay-per-day internet is like being cut off from the true source. You know that it's there, and you can practically feel it, but when you reach out to touch it, it's just not there.

"I'm praying for the end of time to hurry up and arrive"


Prof Catface Meowmers said...

Glad you made it safely! Awesome song quote btw. =)

Unknown said...

Cleveland is totally unsafe, a totally hell hole :). Cannot wait to see you!