21 October 2008

Can't Sleep?

So, last week I was really fatigued. I slept a lot over the weekend, however, and have felt better. But now, I'm struggling to fall asleep when I want to. Two nights in a row now, I've gone to bed by about 1am, and have tossed and turned until about 3. As a result, I missed my first class yesterday, and work this morning.

This is going to have to stop, and I'm not sure how. I don't feel as tired as I did last week, but for some reason, it's harder for me to get to sleep than it should be, making it harder to wake up.

If anybody in Internet-Land has any suggestions, remedies, or home remedies, I'd greatly appreciate anything you can throw at me.

"Gimme back my wig."


Nagrom said...

Few ideas...
First of all, it may simply be that your sleep cycle and bodies natural rhythm are, as we say in the medical industry, AFU. One trick that has always worked for me in that situation was to stay up all night, and all the following day, without succumbing to the urge to sleep/nap, until my regular/desired bedtime the following evening. This usually resets the clock.
Failing that you may try a couple "remedies" as it were, prior to your desired bedtime.
The first would be chamomile tea, an hour to half an hour before you want to go to bed, have a cup or two. Ideally this works best if you are doing what I already assume you are doing and cutting out the stimulants for a few hours prior to your desired bedtime. Caffeine, nicotine, sugar, etc. can interfere with sleep patterns. So can alcohol. Ideally, those things wouldnt be ingested for three or four hours prior to bed.
If that doesnt work, then try taking melatonin. Though a naturally occuring hormone related to sleep regulation in humans (and other critters) its also available OTC as a pill. Taking melatonin supplements 20 to 40 minutes before bedtime, increases the bodies melatonin levels (and production), bringing on sleep naturally and peacefully (as opposed to some sleeping pills), and without the side effects of pharmaceutical treatments.
Good luck.

Marcus said...

Wow. Thanks. That's a lot to go on, so I guess I'll just try stuff until I find what works.

Though, I'm not going to "reset my clock" tonight, as that would mean no sleep the night before an exam.

Nagrom said...

Yeah, no, didnt figure you'd do it tonight. But, when you can afford to spend an entire day in a zombie like state of exhaustion... go for it.

Hat said...

Oy. I've been having a terrifically hard time getting to sleep these past two nights too. I'm finding I can't munch on anything within an hour at least before bed... so I'd be taking Morgan's suggestion here of the chamomile. I need some...

Hat said...

..By the way, nice profile pic. ;D