20 October 2008

Here's Hoping

Well, here's hoping this week is better than the last. I'm going to bed [a little] earlier, in hopes that I'll be up for my first class tomorrow. In all honesty, I slept a lot this weekend, and I feel better.

I just hope it lasts.

"No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue eyes."


Hat said...

Aye, here's hoping. Sometimes it takes a while to recover, anyhow. Besides, fatigue builds up and it probably smacked you hard last week.

Good song.

Marcus said...

Yeah, I got off to a bad start by missing my first class today. But I made my second class and lab, so all is not lost.

Hopefully the fatigue has passed.

Ian Wendt said...

"No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue eyes."

I know what that's like. I live every moment of my life behind those eyes.