05 September 2008

Agreeing with Loverboy...

It's finally the weekend! While school hasn't hit full force yet, it's still nice to think about Saturday. Plus, my grandparents are in town from Dallas, so that'll be a fun time.

I still haven't found my semester groove, but I honestly think this one will be easier to get into than last semester, in which there was no groove. There was just class, work, more class, and then failing class.

So, here's a hypothetical: If you were asked to speak in a public setting, in a casual environment where most of the "public" were people you knew, and it was a more low-stress situation (i.e., not much planning involved, or memorizing lines and such), would you do it?

"Die to fight this"


Hat said...

I would talk.

Yay Saturday!

Hat said...

Oh, and yes, I'm working for the weekend and I want a new romance. I'm also (maybe??) going off the deep end and want a second chance.