31 August 2008

Hello, World

So, we're up and running. For anybody who's reading this, here are a few of the reasons I decided to start blogging:

1) It's something I really haven't done before
2) It's not the worst use of my time on the Internet
3) It's a way to track the mysterious disappearances happening at my place

So, thank you for reading, and I hope an adventure can be had here.

I named this blog The Raggedy Edge, for a few reasons. Yes, I got it from Serenity. But that's not the sole reason for the naming. I can identify with being on the "raggedy edge" in a few ways: Socorro, for anybody who doesn't know, is pretty much the raggedy edge of civilization. It's a small, backwards little down that exists because of New Mexico Tech. Also, I feel like I'm on the "raggedy edge" of this chapter of my life sometimes. Like who I was, even a year ago, isn't even close to who I am now, and is light years away from who I'm going to be when the dust settles. Finally, as an engineering student entering his fifth year of education, I'm pretty much on the "raggedy edge" of sanity.

Well, that's all I have to say for right now. Light willing, I won't be long-winded (long fingered?) or preachy, but that may happen sometimes.

Oh, and the count of missing items is now 1 coffee table. The search for the french press continues...


Prof Catface Meowmers said...

Add my remote to your list!

Hooray, first comment!

Nagrom said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere, Brother Sock.

Hat said...

Yay for posting this while sitting right next to you! Yay for bloggery... And for Missing House Stuffs Chronicles.